













Welcome to the home page of Kita Niju-Roku-Jo Catholic Church in Sapporo


I sometimes hear people say: “It’s quite hard for me to cross the threshold into a church.” Or “People who go to church are as honest, sincere, and extremely virtuous as saints.” But these words are not true. First church does not mean a church building. It is a community as the Greek word ecclesia well means. It is a community made up of people who are invited by Jesus Christ. Second a Christian is not always good, honest and sincere as a saint. Very often he is weak and has many faults. Bearing his own cross, he lives his life. Yet, by admitting his weaknesses, and accepting them as they are, he finally feels the love of Jesus who came into this world as a human being. Love of God can be found on many occasions in your daily life, depending on your mental viewpoint. You will notice God’s love and blessing which you have not been aware of, and feel your soul is revived so that you can pass your days in gratitude.

There are quite a few sects of Christian churches, mainly the Roman Catholic and churches of Protestant sects, the Episcopal Church, the United Churches of Christ Japan, Church of Christ in Japan, the Evangelical Church, the Baptist Church, Lutheran Church etc. Also there is the Greek Orthodox Church.

Kita Niju-Roku Jo Catholic Church is the Roman Catholic and its headquarters is in the Vatican, the world’s smallest City State.

Our new pope, Francisco, was elected in March 2013. He is praying for world peace as the Pontiff of our Church. One of the most famous personages of the Catholic is Mother Teresa who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In today’s poverty stricken world she proved God’s love by helping poor people no matter what their religion, nationality, or race.

Though each of us is in a different environment, God gives each one a special life full of meaning, and invites us to His table of love.

The chapel is the holy place for prayer, so it is open during the day. You can enter inside freely. Mass is held every Sunday from 9:00 a.m, and on Friday from10:00


If you desire to know more about faith, please call our local pastor without hesitation. You can enroll in a beginners’ course to learn about Catholicism..


  Pastor of Kita-Niju-Roku-Jo Church





電話    711-9758(司祭館)  


FAX 711-9759(司祭館) 711-9762(信徒用)

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